Fourth Biblical Month New Moon; Also known as Tammuz

The fourth month of the Biblical year was named “Tammuz” after the Babylonian captivity, and it remains on the Jewish calendar to this day. You can find a biblical reference to the name in the book of Ezekiel 8:14. I suggest you read the whole book or chapter. Sharon

On Tuesday, July 5, 2016, the new moon was sighted from Maale Adumim, Israel by Dr. Roy Hoffman of the Israeli New Moon Society. Here is his report:

I saw the Moo[n] from Mitspe Nevo, Ma’ale Adummim, Israel this evening (Tuesday 5th July 2016). I spotted it with binoculars (25 x 100mm) at 19:43 (UTC+03) then with the naked eye at 20:03 shortly before it disappeared over the mountains at 20:04. The picture was taken at 20:03. Temperature 26½°C, pressure 955 mbar, humidity 57%.

Dr. Hoffman’s photo at the top of this message confirms beyond any doubt that he sighted the new moon and he is a highly skilled and experienced observer.

We also received several reports from those who were not able to sight the new moon from Israel. As of this writing, Dr. Hoffman is the only observer to have successfully sighted the new moon tonight. In ancient times, two witnesses were required to testify as to the sighting of the new moon. I have struggled with this issue over the years. The Torah does not specify that two witnesses are required, yet experience has convinced me of the value of never relying on a single witness. So what do we do this month? My advice is to work it out for yourself in fear and trembling with prayer and study before the Creator of the Universe. When the King Messiah sits on the throne of David and brings peace to the world, he will teach us the truth. Until then we need to do the best we can with the information we have. If we receive further reliable reports, we will let you know.

Have a Blessed Month!

source:Nehemia Gordon


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