Posts from June 2016 (Page 2)

The Power of Marriage!

I am in agreement with this article, but there are a few single parent families who by the grace of God things have worked out for their children. The biblical way is the 100% way we should go as believers. Sharon “Teenagers whose parents are married have higher self-esteem on average than their counterparts from […]

No Belief in Anyone! Really.

Look what no belief and socialism gets you as a nation today! Sharon “‘Yo no creo en nadie’ (I believe in no one). The phrase has become part of the Venezuelan lexicon… The expression was usually uttered in an offhand way by Venezuelans as a joke, a motto of our characteristically joyous disregard for authority” […]

Weekly word

Proverbs 15 1-3 (CJB) A gentle response deflects fury, but a harsh word makes tempers rise. The tongue of the wise presents knowledge well, but the mouth of a fool spews out folly. The eyes of Yehovah are everywhere, watching the evil and the good.

Weekly blessings

Blessings for Encouragement We serve the living, Eternal God who is our solid rock, our sure foundation. As we absorb what the Bible has to say about the all-powerful, all-loving, enduring nature of God, our spirits resonate with comfort and hope. The Scriptures are a rich source of encouragement that our heavenly Father truly cares […]

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