News/Current Events Worldwide (Page 4)

Horrors of War in Syria

The King is coming (Yeshua) and he will establish his Kingdom with Peace, Law and Order on the earth! Sharon The Associated Press headline reads starkly, “No More Room for the Dead as Syria’s Aleppo Is Crushed” (December 4, 2016). According to the AP report, “Dignity in death has been lost as the rebel-held enclave […]

Italy and the Future of the EU

The winds of change are blowing in Europe, and 2017 promises to be a very interesting year. Source: TW-2016 “Italy and the eurozone have been thrown into uncertainty after Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announced his resignation following a crushing defeat of his constitutional reform in a referendum on Sunday… Italians rejected Renzi’s reforms by 60 […]

Students Attack Teachers in Germany!

Where are the parents?  We need mature and spirit filled parents to raise happy and respectful children in my opinion! Sharon Deutsche Welle reports, “Spitting, hitting, shoving: Physical aggression is an everyday occurrence in schools. But a new study by the German teachers’ union shows that it is on the rise—and is even increasingly directed at […]

Where are the Men?

Where are the Men? I ask myself this a lot over the years! There is this spirit of division amongst the males and females in our society today more so than ever before in modern times! Sharon  In spite of positive job growth in the U.S., “the percentage of working-age Americans in the labor force […]

Syphilis Increasing Among Millennials in America!

Now the leadership in US have redefined what marriage is and have turned this society into a what ever goes mentality. The God of creation designed sex only for marriage (male/female) and to provide blessings from this type of godly relationship. However, sexual activity outside of marriage has serious and lasting consequences. Sharon The sexually transmitted infection […]

Trump Presidency and the EU future elections !

Germany’s February presidential election 2017 will also be important to watch! Europe’s future, as well as that of Israelite-descended nations like the U.S. and Britain, has long been prophesied.  source:TW Many Europeans are uncertain about the impact President-elect Trump will have on Europe, and many are fearful. One German commentator wrote, “Europe in uncharted waters… […]

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