Blog (Page 29)

A World in Shock in 2016

Yeshua (Jesus) warned that those living at the end of the age should “watch” for world events that line up with Bible prophecies so they are not taken by surprise when He returns to establish the Kingdom of Yehovah God (Matthew 24:42-44). Also, majority of churches today are not preparing their congregation for the Messiahs […]

Weekly blessings

When and How to Bless May the Lord train your hands for battle; may your arms be able to bend a bow of bronze. Because Yehovah God is the One who has called you, He will enable you to achieve results beyond any level you think to be possible. ~ Psalm 18:34 (TNIV) ~ May […]

Weekly word

  1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (CJB) Don’t you know that unrighteous people will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t delude yourselves — people who engage in sex before marriage, who worship idols, who engage in sex after marriage with someone other than their spouse, who engage in active or passive homosexuality, who steal, […]

Dictator Losing Grip on Zimbabwe in 2016

Another failed immoral  leader turned dictator! One day soon, Yeshua Messiah will return and set up His government on this earth. A government designed to truly rule people and lead them in righteousness. Sharon After decades of misrule that has destroyed his nation’s economy and caused widespread suffering, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is losing the support of his own […]

Knife Attack Shakes Japan in 2016

These terrible tragedies should sober us, but also remind us that Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) is going to return real soon! Sharon “A young Japanese man went on a stabbing rampage Tuesday at a facility for the mentally disabled where he had been fired, officials said, killing 19… When he was done, Kanagawa prefectural authorities […]

Weekly blessings

Imparting Blessings The exciting news is that we, as believers, are also priests of The Most High. The Apostle Peter told us, “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation” (1 Pet. 2:9a, KJV). The Apostle John wrote, “Yeshua (Jesus Christ)…has made us His Kingdom and His priests who serve before God […]

Weekly word

Psalm 119:89-96 (CJB) ל (Lamed) Your word continues forever, Yehovah, firmly fixed in heaven; your faithfulness through all generations; you established the earth, and it stands. Yes, it stands today, in keeping with your rulings; for all things are your servants. If your Torah had not been my delight, I would have perished in my […]

More Terror in France in 2016!

However, the Bible provides another perspective. Long ago, Yehovah God warned the Israelite-descended nations, Genesis 49:3-4), that if they rebel against His truth, God will “appoint terror over you” and that He will “break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:16, 19). Some believe France (descended from the Israelite tribe of Reuben). Sharon Many are […]

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