Posts by sharon (Page 20)

Weekly blessings

Blessings of Comfort May the angel of the Lord encamp all around you and deliver you because you fear God (Ps. 34:7, NKJV). Behold,  Yehovah God is your salvation, may you trust in Him and not be afraid; for the Lord God is your strength and song, and He has become your salvation. Therefore may […]

Weekly word

John 16:1-7 (CJB) “I have told you these things so that you won’t be caught by surprise. They will ban you from the synagogue; in fact, the time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is serving Yehovah God! They will do these things because they have understood neither the Father nor […]

Happy Hanukkah 2016!

Here is a very detailed account source sheet of the true Hanukkah story by one who is viewed as a Scholar in Biblical Hebrew and Jewish history. Sharon Find out the true history of Hanukkah before it was hijacked by ancient rabbis wanting to subjugate the Jewish people under their authority. The original Hanukkah was a […]

Martha follower of Yeshua our Messiah.

Martha Her name means: “Lady” (the feminine form of “Lord”) Her character: Active and pragmatic, she seemed never at a loss for words. Though Yeshua (Jesus) chastened her for allowing herself to become worried and upset by small things, she remained his close friend and follower. Her sorrow: To have waited, seemingly in vain, for Yeshua to […]

Weekly word

Deuteronomy 30:5-14 (CJB) Yehovah your God will bring you back into the land your ancestors possessed, and you will possess it; he will make you prosper there, and you will become even more numerous than your ancestors. Then Yehovah your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your children, so that you will love Yehovah your […]

Weekly blessings

Heart Surgery for all Believers Remember Hebrews 4:12, “The word of God is alive! It is at work and is sharper than any double-edged sword – it cuts right through to where soul meets spirit and joints meet marrow, and it is quick to judge the inner reflections and attitudes of the heart” (CJB). I […]

The Need For a Savior!

The true Gospel is actually about the return of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as the “Savior of the world” (John 4:42), who will ultimately bring peace and justice to this very troubled world (Isaiah 9:6-7). The question is do you believe in the true Gospel of the Kingdom and are you ready for the King? Sharon […]

The Woman with the Issue of Blood

The Woman with the Issue of Blood Her character: So desperate for healing, she ignored the conventions of the day for the chance to touch Yeshua. Her sorrow: To have suffered a chronic illness that isolated her from others. Her joy: That after long years of suffering, she finally found peace and freedom. Key Scriptures: […]

Weekly blessings

Blessings for Joy These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. ~ John 15:11 (NASB) ~ Yehovah God expresses joy in all three persons of the Godhead and He wants us to have joy. Happiness may be a demonstration of […]

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